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Orthoimagery of the coastlines of the Main Hawaiian Islands, 2015; Resource Mapping Hawaii conducted aerial surveys between August - November 2015 to collect imagery at a spatial resolution of 2cm. Due to flight restrictions around airports and military bases, some areas of the coastline were omitted. The dataset covers an approximate 200m swath, with a variable amount of shoreline and nearshore water, and was processed into tiles of orthoimagery for GIS analysis of marine debris. Brian Neilson (Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources; Brian.J.Neilson@hawaii.gov) was the Principal Investigator on the \u201cHawaiian islands marine debris aerial imagery surveys\u201d component of the PICES Project \u201cEffects of marine debris caused by the Great Tsunami of 2011\u201d funded by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan. The project coordinator was Dr. Alexander Bychkov (bychkov@pices.int). In 2020, Ross Winans (winans2@hawaii.edu) enhanced the imagery by: removing excessive no-data (including cropping out areas of no-data in some images); creating alpha masks with GINA's gdal_trace_outline for transparency since the data uses \"0\" and \"255\" for valid data; for areas in the data where places were \"patched\" with a second, overlapping image swath at a later date, the image that best aligned with the GIS labeled marine debris objects described in Moy et al. (2018) were chosen and the unused overlap was cropped out, resulting in a data set that is now tiled edge-to-edge with no overlap. For further information, please contact the Hawaii Statewide GIS Program at gis@hawaii.gov. Credits: Resource Mapping Hawaii; Ross Winans<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV>",
"name": "SoH_Imagery/Coastal_2015",
"description": " Orthoimagery of the coastlines of the Main Hawaiian Islands, 2015; Resource Mapping Hawaii conducted aerial surveys between August - November 2015 to collect imagery at a spatial resolution of 2cm. Due to flight restrictions around airports and military bases, some areas of the coastline were omitted. The dataset covers an approximate 200m swath, with a variable amount of shoreline and nearshore water, and was processed into tiles of orthoimagery for GIS analysis of marine debris. Brian Neilson (Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources; Brian.J.Neilson@hawaii.gov) was the Principal Investigator on the \u201cHawaiian islands marine debris aerial imagery surveys\u201d component of the PICES Project \u201cEffects of marine debris caused by the Great Tsunami of 2011\u201d funded by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan. The project coordinator was Dr. Alexander Bychkov (bychkov@pices.int). In 2020, Ross Winans (winans2@hawaii.edu) enhanced the imagery by: removing excessive no-data (including cropping out areas of no-data in some images); creating alpha masks with GINA's gdal_trace_outline for transparency since the data uses \"0\" and \"255\" for valid data; for areas in the data where places were \"patched\" with a second, overlapping image swath at a later date, the image that best aligned with the GIS labeled marine debris objects described in Moy et al. (2018) were chosen and the unused overlap was cropped out, resulting in a data set that is now tiled edge-to-edge with no overlap. For further information, please contact the Hawaii Statewide GIS Program at gis@hawaii.gov. Credits: Resource Mapping Hawaii; Ross Winans<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV>",
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