{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "Landsat_SOH_1999_2003", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Landsat_SOH_1999_2003", "description": "Readme for Hawaii_Landsat_Mosaic_Bathymetric_Fill.jp2\n\nThis satellite image mosaic covers all the main Hawaiian Islands\nwith a bathymetric shaded relief image filled into the ocean\nareas. The land imagery are composites of multiple images from the\nLandsat satellite and are substantially cloud-free. They were produced \nin true color (using bands 3, 2 and 1) and pan-sharpened using\nband 8 to produce a spatial resolution of 15 meters. The imagery was \nthen resampled to 12.5 meters. \n\nThe bathymetric (ocean depth) data is derived from the Main Hawaiian \nIsland Bathymetric Data Synthesis dataset developed by the Hawai'i\nMapping Research Group (http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/HMRG/cms/).\nA color shaded relief image was produced from a 2010 version of the\nHMRG dataset and a land/ocean mask was used to integrate the Landsat \nimagery and bathymetry into a single image. \n\nSource data: Landsat 7 (ETM) satellite imagery\nImagery dates: 1999-2003\nImage format: JPEG2000 RGB Compressed\nDatum: NAD83\nProjection: UTM Zone 04 North\nProjection Units: Meters\nX resolution: 12.5 Meters\nY resolution: 12.5 Meters\nSource resolution for bathymetry data: 50 meters\nUncompressed file size: 5.84GB\nJPEG2000 compressed file size: 137MB\n\nUL X,Y: 309113.08E, 2497001.83N\nLR X,Y: 1015044.40E, 2034089.33N\n\nUL Lat, Long: 22:34:08.57N, 160:51:23.67W\nLR Lat, Long: 18:20:04.15N, 154:07:48.91W\n\nOriginator: Earthstar Geographics LLC\nWeb: www.terracolor.net\nEmail: terracolor@es-geo.com", "summary": "Landsat_SOH_1999_2003", "title": "Landsat_SOH_1999_2003", "tags": [ "Landsat_SOH_1999_2003" ], "type": "Image Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Image Service", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png", "url": "https://localhost:6443/arcgis/services/SoH_Imagery/Landsat_SOH_1999_2003/ImageServer", "spatialReference": "NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_4N", "accessInformation": "", "licenseInfo": "" }