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Legend (FreshWater)

Interim Instream Flow Standards (Mandated) (2)
Streams (DAR) (1)
Perennial Perennial
Non-Perennial Non-Perennial
Streams with Aquatic Resources (HSA) (13)
Streams with Cultural Resources (HSA) (14)
Streams with Diverse Resources (HSA) (15)
Streams with Riparian Resources (HSA) (16)
Moku - Ridge to Reef (21)
Region - Ridge to Reef (22)
Aquifers (DLNR) (3)
Aquifers (DOH) (4)
UIC Line (Underground Injection Control Line) (20)
Underground Injection Control Polygons (17)
Areas mauka (above) the UIC line Areas mauka (above) the UIC line
Areas makai (below) the UIC line Areas makai (below) the UIC line
Not Coded Not Coded
Hydrographic Units (5)
Inland Water Quality Standards Classifications (6)
Class 1 Class 1
Class 2 Class 2
Restricted Watersheds (7)
Watersheds (8)
Watersheds - DLNR-DAR Version (23)
NHD Points (9)
NHD Flowlines (10)
NHD Lines (11)
NHD Areas (18)
NHD Waterbodies (19)