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Legend (Terrestrial)

Na Ala Hele Trails (34)
Reserves (1)
DOFAW/Private DOFAW/Private
DOFAW/US Military DOFAW/US Military
Daughters of Hawaii/DOSP Daughters of Hawaii/DOSP
Historic Preservation Division Historic Preservation Division
Keehi Memorial Org./DOSP Keehi Memorial Org./DOSP
Maui Coastal Land Trust Maui Coastal Land Trust
Maui County Maui County
Maui Land and Pineapple Co. Maui Land and Pineapple Co.
National Audubon Society National Audubon Society
Private Private
US Army US Army
US Military US Military
State Critical Habitat Picturewing (5)
Big Island Critical Habitat Kokia Drynarioides (6)
Big Island Critical Habitat Moth (7)
Big Island Critical Habitat Palila (8)
Big Island Critical Habitat Plant (9)
Big Island Critical Habitat Three Plants (15)
Big Island Critical Habitat Twelve Species (16)
Kauai Critical Habitat Cave (10)
Kauai Critical Habitat Ecosystem (11)
Kauai Critical Habitat Plant (12)
Kauai Critical Habitat Snail (13)
Kahoolawe Critical Habitat Moth (14)
Maui County Critical Habitat Ecosystem (61)
Maui Critical Habitat Moth (18)
Molokai Critical Habitat Moth (20)
Niihau Critical Habitat Plant (22)
Oahu Critical Habitat Ecosystem (24)
Oahu Critical Habitat Carter's Panicgrass (40)
Oahu Critical Habitat Elepaio (23)
Statewide Areas of Critical Habitat (25)
Ash Beds (2)
QTkoa QTkoa
QTkop QTkop
QTkt QTkt
QTwp QTwp
QTwt QTwt
Twma Twma
Twmm Twmm
Dikes (26)
QTemi QTemi
QTkoi QTkoi
QTwi QTwi
QTwmi QTwmi
Qhni Qhni
Qkui Qkui
Qli Qli
Qnpi Qnpi
Qui Qui
Tai Tai
Tki Tki
Tpi Tpi
Twi Twi
Faults (27)
Geologic Units (28)
Alluvium and colluvium Alluvium and colluvium
Ash Ash
Ash, poorly to nonindurated Ash, poorly to nonindurated
Beach deposits Beach deposits
Benmoreite lava dome Benmoreite lava dome
Benmoreite lava flows Benmoreite lava flows
Benmoreite scoria cones Benmoreite scoria cones
Breccia Breccia
Breccia and conglomerate Breccia and conglomerate
Breccia deposits Breccia deposits
Breccia filling eroded pit craters Breccia filling eroded pit craters
Bulbous dome of massive lava Bulbous dome of massive lava
Calcareous sand, lithified Calcareous sand, lithified
Calcareous sand, mostly consolidated Calcareous sand, mostly consolidated
Calcareous sand, unlithified Calcareous sand, unlithified
Calcareous silt and fine-grained sand Calcareous silt and fine-grained sand
Caldera complex Caldera complex
Cinder and spatter Cinder and spatter
Cinder cone Cinder cone
Cinder deposits Cinder deposits
Cinder, spatter, and agglutinate Cinder, spatter, and agglutinate
Cinder, spatter, and lava flows Cinder, spatter, and lava flows
Closely spaced dikes, wallrock Closely spaced dikes, wallrock
Coarse, near-vent fallout Coarse, near-vent fallout
Collapse pit from which no lava issued Collapse pit from which no lava issued
Conglomerate Conglomerate
Conglomerate and sandstone Conglomerate and sandstone
Consolidated sand Consolidated sand
Debris-avalanche deposits Debris-avalanche deposits
Dike complex Dike complex
Dikes and sills Dikes and sills
Domes Domes
Dunes downwind of Lehua Island cone Dunes downwind of Lehua Island cone
Fossiliferous breccia Fossiliferous breccia
Haiku Reservoir Haiku Reservoir
Icelandite lava flows Icelandite lava flows
Icelandite vent deposits Icelandite vent deposits
Indurated fallout tephra Indurated fallout tephra
Indurated sand dunes Indurated sand dunes
Intrusive plug Intrusive plug
Intrusive plugs Intrusive plugs
Intrusive rocks Intrusive rocks
Kanaha Pond Kanaha Pond
Kealia Pond Kealia Pond
Landslide deposits Landslide deposits
Lava dome Lava dome
Lava domes Lava domes
Lava flow Lava flow
Lava flows Lava flows
Lava flows and cinder deposits Lava flows and cinder deposits
Lava flows, cinder, and spatter Lava flows, cinder, and spatter
Lava flows, query Lava flows, query
Lava flows, thin tephra deposits Lava flows, thin tephra deposits
Limestone and mudstone Limestone and mudstone
Lithified sand and gravel Lithified sand and gravel
Littoral deposits Littoral deposits
Manmade fill Manmade fill
Mauna Kuwale rhyodacite Mauna Kuwale rhyodacite
Mokuone Breccia Beds Mokuone Breccia Beds
Mugearite lava flows Mugearite lava flows
Mugearite scoria cones Mugearite scoria cones
Near-vent lava flows Near-vent lava flows
Nonindurated dunes Nonindurated dunes
Open Water Open Water
Open water Open water
Outwash Outwash
Pahoehoe and aa Pahoehoe and aa
Palagonitic tuff Palagonitic tuff
Pit crater Pit crater
Pit craters from which little lava issue Pit craters from which little lava issue
Poorly sorted debris Poorly sorted debris
Puu Nene reservoir Puu Nene reservoir
Rafted cinder deposits Rafted cinder deposits
Reworked glassy ash Reworked glassy ash
Sand and gravel Sand and gravel
Sand and gravel, lithified Sand and gravel, lithified
Sand and gravel, nonlithified Sand and gravel, nonlithified
Sand and gravel, partly lithified Sand and gravel, partly lithified
Sand dunes Sand dunes
Scoria cones Scoria cones
Shallow intrusive plug Shallow intrusive plug
Shallow intrusive plug(?) Shallow intrusive plug(?)
Silt and mud Silt and mud
Silt, sand, and marl Silt, sand, and marl
Slope-collapse deposits Slope-collapse deposits
Spatter or tuff cones Spatter or tuff cones
Talus breccia Talus breccia
Tephra Tephra
Tephra deposits Tephra deposits
Throat-filling plug or lava flow Throat-filling plug or lava flow
Till Till
Till and outwash Till and outwash
Tk Tk
Trachytic lava dome Trachytic lava dome
Tuff Tuff
Tuffaceous sandstone Tuffaceous sandstone
Unnamed reservoir Unnamed reservoir
Vent deposits Vent deposits
Vent deposits (query) Vent deposits (query)
Vent deposits? Vent deposits?
Waiakea Pond, Wailoa River Waiakea Pond, Wailoa River
Waiale Reservoir Waiale Reservoir
Windblown calcareous sand Windblown calcareous sand
intrusion intrusion
lithic debris lithic debris
Geothermal Boundaries (31)
Inferred Caldera Boundary Inferred Caldera Boundary
Probability of High Temperature (25%) Probability of High Temperature (25%)
Probability of High Temperature (35%) Probability of High Temperature (35%)
Probability of High Temperature (95%) Probability of High Temperature (95%)
Rift-Zone Axis Rift-Zone Axis
High Temperature Resource Areas (32)
Geothermal Resource Subzone Geothermal Resource Subzone
High-Temperature Resource Area High-Temperature Resource Area
Thermal Springs (36)
Area With Potential for Warm Ground Water (37)
Hunting Areas (33)
Wetlands (39)
Estuarine and Marine Wetland Estuarine and Marine Wetland
Freshwater Emergent Wetland Freshwater Emergent Wetland
Freshwater Forested/Shrub Wetland Freshwater Forested/Shrub Wetland
Freshwater Pond Freshwater Pond
Lake Lake
Riverine Riverine
Soils (Points) - NRCS (43)
Soils (Lines) - NRCS (41)
Soils (Areas) - NRCS (42)
Major Land Resource Areas (MLRA) (62)
Alluvial Fans and Coastal Plains Alluvial Fans and Coastal Plains
Arid and Semiard Low Mountain Slopes Arid and Semiard Low Mountain Slopes
Humid Low and Intermediate Mountain Slopes Humid Low and Intermediate Mountain Slopes
Humid and Very Humid Low and Intermediate Mountain Slopes Humid and Very Humid Low and Intermediate Mountain Slopes
Lava Flows and Rock Outcrops Lava Flows and Rock Outcrops
Rough Mountainous Lands Rough Mountainous Lands
Semiarid and Subhumid Low Mountain Slopes Semiarid and Subhumid Low Mountain Slopes
Subhumid Intermediate Mountain Slopes Subhumid Intermediate Mountain Slopes
Subhumid and Humid Intermediate and High Mountain Slopes Subhumid and Humid Intermediate and High Mountain Slopes
V. Humid E. and W. Maui Mtns, Kohala Mtns, Mt. Waialeale V. Humid E. and W. Maui Mtns, Kohala Mtns, Mt. Waialeale
Very Stony Land and Rock Land Very Stony Land and Rock Land
Watershed Partnerships (38)
East Maui Watershed Partnership East Maui Watershed Partnership
East Molokai Watershed Partnership East Molokai Watershed Partnership
Kauai Watershed Alliance Kauai Watershed Alliance
Kohala Watershed Partnership Kohala Watershed Partnership
Koolau Mountains Watershed Partnership Koolau Mountains Watershed Partnership
Leeward Haleakala Watershed Restoration Partnership Leeward Haleakala Watershed Restoration Partnership
Mauna Kea Watershed Alliance Mauna Kea Watershed Alliance
Three Mountain Alliance Three Mountain Alliance
Waianae Mountains Watershed Partnership Waianae Mountains Watershed Partnership
West Maui Mountains Watershed Partnership West Maui Mountains Watershed Partnership
Coastline (3)