| Alluvium and colluvium |
| Ash |
| Ash, poorly to nonindurated |
| Beach deposits |
| Benmoreite lava dome |
| Benmoreite lava flows |
| Benmoreite scoria cones |
| Breccia |
| Breccia and conglomerate |
| Breccia deposits |
| Breccia filling eroded pit craters |
| Bulbous dome of massive lava |
| Calcareous sand, lithified |
| Calcareous sand, mostly consolidated |
| Calcareous sand, unlithified |
| Calcareous silt and fine-grained sand |
| Caldera complex |
| Cinder and spatter |
| Cinder cone |
| Cinder deposits |
| Cinder, spatter, and agglutinate |
| Cinder, spatter, and lava flows |
| Closely spaced dikes, wallrock |
| Coarse, near-vent fallout |
| Collapse pit from which no lava issued |
| Conglomerate |
| Conglomerate and sandstone |
| Consolidated sand |
| Debris-avalanche deposits |
| Dike complex |
| Dikes and sills |
| Domes |
| Dunes downwind of Lehua Island cone |
| Fossiliferous breccia |
| Haiku Reservoir |
| Icelandite lava flows |
| Icelandite vent deposits |
| Indurated fallout tephra |
| Indurated sand dunes |
| Intrusive plug |
| Intrusive plugs |
| Intrusive rocks |
| Kanaha Pond |
| Kealia Pond |
| Landslide deposits |
| Lava dome |
| Lava domes |
| Lava flow |
| Lava flows |
| Lava flows and cinder deposits |
| Lava flows, cinder, and spatter |
| Lava flows, query |
| Lava flows, thin tephra deposits |
| Limestone and mudstone |
| Lithified sand and gravel |
| Littoral deposits |
| Manmade fill |
| Mauna Kuwale rhyodacite |
| Mokuone Breccia Beds |
| Mugearite lava flows |
| Mugearite scoria cones |
| N/A |
| Near-vent lava flows |
| Nonindurated dunes |
| Open Water |
| Open water |
| Outwash |
| Pahoehoe and aa |
| Palagonitic tuff |
| Pit crater |
| Pit craters from which little lava issue |
| Poorly sorted debris |
| Puu Nene reservoir |
| Rafted cinder deposits |
| Reworked glassy ash |
| Sand and gravel |
| Sand and gravel, lithified |
| Sand and gravel, nonlithified |
| Sand and gravel, partly lithified |
| Sand dunes |
| Scoria cones |
| Shallow intrusive plug |
| Shallow intrusive plug(?) |
| Silt and mud |
| Silt, sand, and marl |
| Slope-collapse deposits |
| Spatter or tuff cones |
| Talus breccia |
| Tephra |
| Tephra deposits |
| Throat-filling plug or lava flow |
| Till |
| Till and outwash |
| Tk |
| Trachytic lava dome |
| Tuff |
| Tuffaceous sandstone |
| Unnamed reservoir |
| Vent deposits |
| Vent deposits (query) |
| Vent deposits? |
| Waiakea Pond, Wailoa River |
| Waiale Reservoir |
| Windblown calcareous sand |
| intrusion |
| lithic debris |
| Alluvial Fans and Coastal Plains |
| Arid and Semiard Low Mountain Slopes |
| Humid Low and Intermediate Mountain Slopes |
| Humid and Very Humid Low and Intermediate Mountain Slopes |
| Lava Flows and Rock Outcrops |
| Rough Mountainous Lands |
| Semiarid and Subhumid Low Mountain Slopes |
| Subhumid Intermediate Mountain Slopes |
| Subhumid and Humid Intermediate and High Mountain Slopes |
| V. Humid E. and W. Maui Mtns, Kohala Mtns, Mt. Waialeale |
| Very Stony Land and Rock Land |