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SoH_Imagery/WV2_2018 (ImageServer)

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Service Description: This is a licensed dataset from DigitalGlobe, Inc. USDA-NRCS acquired this dataset from the US Department of Defense - National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. USDA-NRCS & DOD-NGA upgraded the NextView license to Enterprise Premium in 2018. This dataset can be used under both the Enterprise Premium and NextView licenses from DigitalGlobe. Please contact USDA-NRCS-National Geospatial Center of Excellence (NGCE) for current license information on this dataset. The U.S. Government may provide the imagery to the following organizations: State Governments, Local Governments, Foreign Governments and inter-governmental organizations, NGO's and other non-profit organizations including Government cooperators such as private citizens. Use of this product for Commercial Purposes by a person/company/organization for a profit or fee is strictly prohibited. Please refer to the separately attached license (nextview.txt) from DigitalGlobe, Inc. for additional information. Please contact USDA-NRCS-National Geospatial Center of Excellence (NGCE) for current license information on this dataset. The U.S. Government may provide the imagery to the following organizations: All US Federal Government, State Governments, Local Governments, Foreign Governments, inter-governmental organizations, non-profit organizations and Universities. Use of this product for Commercial Purposes by a person/company/organization for a profit or fee is strictly prohibited. Please refer to the separately attached license from DigitalGlobe, Inc. for additional information. Digital orthoimagery combines the image characteristics of a digital image with the geometric qualities of a map. The primary dynamic digital orthophoto is a 30-50 centimeter ground resolution, image cast to the customer specified projection and datum defined in the Spatial Reference Information section of this metadata document. The overedge is included to facilitate tonal matching for mosaicking and ensure full coverage if the imagery is reprojected. The normal orientation of data is by lines (rows) and samples (columns). Each line contains a series of pixels ordered from west to east with the order of the lines from north to south. DigitalGlobe WorldView-2(WV-2)/WorldView-3(WV-3) Satellite Orthoimagery was delivered to USDA in GeoTIFF file format. The NGCE processed the DigitalGlobe delivered WV-2/WV-3, 8 Band, 8 Bit Pan-Sharpen GeoTIFF files. The file contains eight Multi-Spectral bands. Band 1: Coastal Blue (400 - 450 nm) Band 2: Blue (450 - 510 nm) Band 3: Green (510 - 580 nm) Band 4: Yellow (585 - 625 nm) Band 5: Red (625 - 690 nm) Band 6: Red Edge (705 - 745 nm) Band 7: Color Infrared 1/NIR 1 (770 - 895 nm) Band 8: Color Infrared 2/NIR 2 (860 - 1040 nm). This NGCE created files can consist of Natural Color (Bands 5-3-2), Color Infrared/CIR (Bands 7-5-3) or 8 Multi-Spectral bands (Bands 1-8).

Name: SoH_Imagery/WV2_2018

Description: This is a licensed dataset from DigitalGlobe, Inc. USDA-NRCS acquired this dataset from the US Department of Defense - National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. USDA-NRCS & DOD-NGA upgraded the NextView license to Enterprise Premium in 2018. This dataset can be used under both the Enterprise Premium and NextView licenses from DigitalGlobe. Please contact USDA-NRCS-National Geospatial Center of Excellence (NGCE) for current license information on this dataset. The U.S. Government may provide the imagery to the following organizations: State Governments, Local Governments, Foreign Governments and inter-governmental organizations, NGO's and other non-profit organizations including Government cooperators such as private citizens. Use of this product for Commercial Purposes by a person/company/organization for a profit or fee is strictly prohibited. Please refer to the separately attached license (nextview.txt) from DigitalGlobe, Inc. for additional information. Please contact USDA-NRCS-National Geospatial Center of Excellence (NGCE) for current license information on this dataset. The U.S. Government may provide the imagery to the following organizations: All US Federal Government, State Governments, Local Governments, Foreign Governments, inter-governmental organizations, non-profit organizations and Universities. Use of this product for Commercial Purposes by a person/company/organization for a profit or fee is strictly prohibited. Please refer to the separately attached license from DigitalGlobe, Inc. for additional information. Digital orthoimagery combines the image characteristics of a digital image with the geometric qualities of a map. The primary dynamic digital orthophoto is a 30-50 centimeter ground resolution, image cast to the customer specified projection and datum defined in the Spatial Reference Information section of this metadata document. The overedge is included to facilitate tonal matching for mosaicking and ensure full coverage if the imagery is reprojected. The normal orientation of data is by lines (rows) and samples (columns). Each line contains a series of pixels ordered from west to east with the order of the lines from north to south. DigitalGlobe WorldView-2(WV-2)/WorldView-3(WV-3) Satellite Orthoimagery was delivered to USDA in GeoTIFF file format. The NGCE processed the DigitalGlobe delivered WV-2/WV-3, 8 Band, 8 Bit Pan-Sharpen GeoTIFF files. The file contains eight Multi-Spectral bands. Band 1: Coastal Blue (400 - 450 nm) Band 2: Blue (450 - 510 nm) Band 3: Green (510 - 580 nm) Band 4: Yellow (585 - 625 nm) Band 5: Red (625 - 690 nm) Band 6: Red Edge (705 - 745 nm) Band 7: Color Infrared 1/NIR 1 (770 - 895 nm) Band 8: Color Infrared 2/NIR 2 (860 - 1040 nm). This NGCE created files can consist of Natural Color (Bands 5-3-2), Color Infrared/CIR (Bands 7-5-3) or 8 Multi-Spectral bands (Bands 1-8).

Single Fused Map Cache: false

Extent: Initial Extent: Full Extent: Pixel Size X: 0.39999999999999464

Pixel Size Y: 0.39999999999999397

Band Count: 3

Pixel Type: U8

RasterFunction Infos: {"rasterFunctionInfos": [{ "name": "None", "description": "A No-Op Function.", "help": "" }]}

Mensuration Capabilities: None

Has Histograms: true

Has Colormap: false

Has Multi Dimensions : false

Rendering Rule:

Min Scale: 0

Max Scale: 0

Copyright Text: USDA-NRCS-National Geospatial Center of Excellence, DOD-NGA

Service Data Type: esriImageServiceDataTypeRGB

Min Values: 0, 0, 0

Max Values: 255, 255, 255

Mean Values: 43.617547825098335, 47.72864416596657, 47.27816984697507

Standard Deviation Values: 44.48878688221077, 46.1910422863259, 45.6507663860377

Object ID Field: OBJECTID

Fields: Default Mosaic Method: Northwest

Allowed Mosaic Methods: NorthWest,Center,LockRaster,ByAttribute,Nadir,Viewpoint,Seamline,None


SortValue: null

Mosaic Operator: First

Default Compression Quality: 75

Default Resampling Method: Bilinear

Max Record Count: 1000

Max Image Height: 4100

Max Image Width: 15000

Max Download Image Count: 20

Max Mosaic Image Count: 20

Allow Raster Function: true

Allow Copy: null

Allow Analysis: null

Allow Compute TiePoints: false

Supports Statistics: true

Supports Advanced Queries: true

Use StandardizedQueries: true

Raster Type Infos: Has Raster Attribute Table: false

Edit Fields Info: null

Ownership Based AccessControl For Rasters: null

Child Resources:   Info   Histograms   Key Properties   Legend   Raster Function Infos

Supported Operations:   Export Image   Query   Identify   Compute Histograms   Compute Statistics Histograms   Get Samples   Compute Class Statistics   Query Boundary   Compute Pixel Location   Compute Angles   Validate   Project